Here we clearly explain to you the difference between loss assessors and loss adjusters. We will outline the roles they both play in the event of a property damage insurance claim on your home or business.

What is an Insurance Assessor

In Ireland Public Loss Assessors are required to be registered by the Central Bank of Ireland. As part of the registration process, loss assessors must be able to prove their technical competence. This is usually demonstrated by a loss adjusting qualification obtained by a series of examinations from the Insurance Institute of Ireland. In addition, most Public Loss Assessors will hold additional relevant qualifications in areas such as Surveying, engineering and construction.

Public Loss Assessors only work for the public/policyholders who wish to make a property insurance claim after suffering loss or damage. Property Loss Assessors never represent or work for insurance companies as this presents a ‘conflict of interest’ –

Loss Assessors in Ireland only represent the policyholder. The policyholder is the person who is making the claim (homeowner). Loss Assessors in Ireland DO NOT work for insurance companies or represent the insurance company. 

The Loss Adjuster works for the Insurance Company & represents their best interests. This is done by reducing claim payouts to the detriment of the home owners!

The role of the loss assessor is to represent the home or business owner’s best interests and get the maximum settlement entitlement under the insurance policy. The Public Loss Assessor can deal with all aspects of an insurance claim, some of which include; assessing the loss, surveying, costings and settlement negotiations with your insurance company or their nominated representative (‘Loss adjuster’).

Insurers would prefer if their policyholders did not engage public loss assessors because they can get away with greatly reduced claim settlement payments when dealing directly with “amateur” property owners against their “Professional Loss Adjusters”

Loss Assessors fees

Insurance Loss Assessors generally work on a “no win no fee” basis.  Loss assessor fees are generally a percentage of the successful claim settlement payout your loss assessor has fought, negotiated and won for you. Typically, loss assessor’s fees are approx. 10%. Insurance companies will not cover claim preparation fees. These fees include loss assessor fees, surveyor fees & other professional costs involved in ‘proving or preparing’ an insurance claim. However, the increased payout an insurance loss assessor can bring substantially exceeds their 10% fee. In many cases, an experienced loss assessor can increase a settlement by 30% – 70%.

Role of a loss adjuster?

When a property insurance claim is made, your insurance company appoint a professional claims handler called a “Loss Adjuster”. The Loss Adjuster acts solely on their behalf and represent the insurers best interests. This is done by interpreting the insurance policy terms and conditions in favour of the insurance company. Therefore avoiding payouts by denying the claim or paying out as little as possible for the insurance claim.

Some of the loss adjusting firms that Insurance Companies use in Ireland are OSG Loss Adjusters (Out Source Group), Pro-Adjust Loss Adjusters, Cunningham & Lindsey Loss Adjusters, Thornton’s Loss Adjusters, Associated-Davies Group and McLaren’s Loss Adjusters.

Insurance Companies wrongly give the impression that their loss adjusters are independent and impartial. This is certainly not the case. Loss Adjusters are employed and paid by the insurance companies. They are strictly obliged to follow the claim handling and settlement processes and procedures laid down by insurers, frequently to the detriment of the you the claimant.

When insurance loss adjusters deal with claims submitted they will “adjust” or reduce the claim amount downwards. It is unheard of for an adjuster to increase the amount due to an omission or error on behalf of the claimant or property owner.

Currently the rules in insurance contracts and the treatment of policyholders are unfair and unjust. This was validated in the 2015 Law Reform Commission Report. Nevertheless, the insurers will continue their enforcement and their appointed loss adjusters will have no choice in the application of these unfair insurance practices.

Your particular situation & claim is specific to many details such as type, age & location of your building or property. Couple this with the specifics of how the damage event occurred. Combine all this specific detail with the framework of the insurance policy terms & conditions, and also your legal and statutory rights.  Now you can begin to see just how complex and riddled with pitfalls the insurance claim procedure will likely be. All this is open to ‘interpretation’ by the insurance loss adjuster, Any adjustment will be coming out of the claim settlement figure paid out to you, the policyholder.  A loss assessor is essential to a satisfactory engagement with the loss adjuster & ensuring you receive the maximum payout under the terms of your policy.

Summary of  the Differences between loss assessors and loss adjusters

The main difference between loss assessors and loss adjusters is that they work on opposite sides of an insurance claim. Loss Assessors are qualified loss adjusters. Neither the loss assessor or loss adjuster is independent. They are both employed to represent their clients opposing financial interests. In a claim scenario, the Public Loss Assessor (PLA) attempts to get the maximum payout entitlement from the insurer. The Loss Adjuster however attempts to avoid or minimise the claim payment.

Conclusion –  Loss Assessors represent the property owner, Loss Adjusters represent the Insurance Company

Contact Claims Assist Ireland – Insurance Loss Assessors Today on 0818 -929 555

Claims Assessor – Galway, Dublin, Limerick, Cork



It is vital for policyholders, when making a claim to obtain professional advice from a Public Loss Assessor (PLA). This is necessary if they are to stand any chance of achieving a fair or equitable insurance claim settlement. Contact Claims Assist Ireland for further details on our Insurance loss assessors services that we can offer you. All our claims advice is provided on a ‘No win, No Fee’ basis & your initial consultation with the loss assessor team is on a no obligation basis.

Claims Assist Ireland – Specialist Insurance Loss Assessors with vast experience in managing property damage insurance claims.